The future of work? Inequality, the advance of Artificial Intelligence, and what can be done about it: a literature review – BlueDot Impact
AI Governance (2024 April)

The future of work? Inequality, the advance of Artificial Intelligence, and what can be done about it: a literature review

By Caleb Peppiatt (Published on August 28, 2024)

This project was one of three winners of the "Outstanding Governance Project" prize on our AI Governance (April 2024) course. The text below is an excerpt from the final project.

Generative Artificial Intelligence constitutes a new wave of automation. There is broad agreement among economists that humanity is potentially entering into a period of profound change. However, significant uncertainties and disagreements exist concerning a variety of overlapping topics: the share of jobs in which human labour is displaced and/or reinstated through automation; the effects on income inequality; the effects on job satisfaction; and, finally, what policy changes ought to be pursued to reduce potential negative impacts. This literature review seeks to clarify this landscape by mapping out key disagreements between positions, and to identify the critical elements upon which such disagreements rest. By surveying the current literature, the effects of AI on the future of work will be clarified.

To read the full project submission, click here.

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